"Look After It Or Lose It!"

Local councillor appeals to residents to help keep low crime figures


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Local Thamesfield councillor Mike Ryder (pictured above) has issued an appeal to residents to help keep crime figures down.

He told SW15: "We are very lucky in Putney to have low crime rates in comparison with many other London areas, but if we do have a problem it is with thefts from cars and from burglary. People still leave things like laptops, handbags - and even full bags of golf clubs!- on the back seat of their car and are amazed to come back and find someone has smashed the window and taken them. They then have the cost and inconvenience of getting their car window repaired too. That can all be avoided by putting valuables in the boot, even if you are only going to be away from your car for a few minutes.

And to deter burglars, ALWAYS make sure you lock ALL your windows and doors when you go out, particularly when the warmer weather finally arrives. Our local police do a great job, but they need us to help them too. The basic message for all your property is the same...Look After It Or Lose It!"

February 9, 2017

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