Loud Music And Late Night Shouting Costs Putney Woman £750

Council takes Ashburton resident to court after she plagues neighbours with noise


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Samira Miranda-Martin has been fined after subjecting other residents on the Ashburton estate to prolonged bouts of late night music and loud voices.

People living nearby complained that every few days in the summer of 2017 – having only just moved into the flat - loud music would be played into the early hours of the morning, punctuated by shouting and offensive language.

Lavender Hill magistrates were told that Ms Miranda-Martin had received a series of warning letters from the council’s housing department warning her to cease or face legal action.

And when those warnings were ignored she was summonsed to appear in court where she faced eight counts of causing a noise nuisance.

Ms Miranda-Martin, who lives in Tildesley Road, pleaded guilty to all eight offences and was fined £525 and ordered to pay court costs of £252.

Housing spokesman Cllr Kim Caddy said: “The magistrates have imposed a quite a hefty fine in this case. They obviously felt that Ms Miranda-Martin’s disregard for her neighbours warranted a heavy financial penalty.

“This case should act as a warning to anyone who thinks they can cause such problems with impunity. If you live on one of our housing estates and choose to behave selfishly and unreasonably then this is the sort of fate that awaits you in court.”

Since the summons was issued there have been no further noise complaints relating to this property.

Anyone suffering noise nuisance on a Wandsworth housing estate should call the council's 24 hour emergency response team on (020) 8871 7486. For other properties, including commercial properties, call (020) 8871 6170 during normal office hours or the noise patrol on (020) 8871 7869 at all other times.

November 22, 2018

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