Roehampton Choir Launches Men's Shed Boat

HMS Battersea Men’s Shed is the latest vessel to set sail on the Thames


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HMS Battersea Men’s Shed was officially launched onto the Thames at Putney by deputy mayor Jane Cooper, with music from Roehampton over 50s choir An A-Choired Taste.

Members of Battersea Men's Shed have been building the boat together for the past three years. Men’s Shed member Mike said: "At long last our boat has been launched and, to all you doubters out there, it did float. The Men's shed is such a good project and we all have a great time. Now we’re looking for ways to top this!”

Battersea Men’s Shed promotes positive mental health and reduces social isolation amongst people over 55 living in Wandsworth. It’s a chance to meet like-minded people and work together on projects such as woodworking or furniture restoration.

It’s run out of a specially-converted workshop at Dimson Lodge, Battersea Church Road and is mostly aimed at men, but women are also welcome to join.

Both the choir and the men’s shed project are run by the Wandsworth Council housing department’s Community Development team. The team is part of the sheltered housing department but works with communities from all over the borough engaging with elderly and isolated people and helping them socialise.

Housing spokesman Cllr Kim Caddy said: “The community development team do excellent work helping isolated residents connect with each other, and they have really excelled themselves with the Men’s Shed boat. I look forward to seeing what they come up with next.”

Anyone interested in finding out more about Battersea Men’s Shed can contact Elaine Curley on

August 2, 2018

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