Unpopular British Land Development Appears to Have Been Ditched

Demolition of buildings at 56-70 Putney High Street no longer proceeding


Boris 'Set to Overrule' Rejection of High Street Development

Too Big! Council Rejects British Land High Street Application

Application Submitted for Major Putney High Street Development

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Property developer British Land appears to have abandoned plans for a major redevelopment of the site at 56-70 Putney High Street. According to retailers currently resident at the site at the corner of Lacy Road the company have informed them that they no longer intend to proceed with the demolition of the building.

The controversial project was opposed by Wandsworth Council, Justine Greening MP and the Putney Society but despite being turned down for planning permission by the borough planning committee it was given permission to proceed when former Mayor Boris Johnson overrode the decision.

How Putney high street site looks now

56-70 Putney High Street

The development would have included a new parade of shops as well as 97 flats. The Chairman of the WBC's Planning Applications Committee, Cllr Sarah McDermott, described the proposed development as "a great lump of a building."

The members of the Planning Applications Committee of the Wandsworth Borough Council had said the application was out of keeping with the existing High Street in terms of its height and sheer bulk – coupled with effects on air quality by adding to the "canyon" effect, an inadequate public space, concerns over low amounts of affordable housing, and impacts on existing nearby residences in terms of light.

Keith Hawkins from 'Better Putney', said: "We are delighted if this gives the opportunity for a fresh approach to developing this important site. We would like the site developed in due course - but in a way that better meets the needs of Putney - rather than adding an ugly building in a sensitive location - and risking making the poor air quality we live with, even worse."

Proposal seen from Putney High Street
And from Fesham Rd looking down Walkers Place

We contacted British Land for confirmation that they were no longer intending to proceed with the project.

Wandsworth Council say they have not been officially notified of any change in plans but that there is no obligation for the developer to do so.

March 31, 2017

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