Benches On Putney Lower Common Get Five More Years

Agreement to be extending on the proviso the benches are available to all


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For the past seven years The Spencer public house has, under an annual licence with WPCC, placed 22 picnic benches on Putney Lower Common during the summer months. The Conservators are entering in to negotiations with The Spencer to retain the benches for a further five years.

Given concerns that the benches may not be universally popular, the Board agreed to undertake a consultation. Over a five week period 1,239 responses were received, 628 on-line and 611 submitted via the ‘Freepost’ postcards.

70% of respondents stated that they would like to see the benches remain as a long-term fixture, a further 26.5% supported the benches retention but thought the policy should be reviewed every five years. Only 3.5% of respondents thought the benches should be permanently removed. Local residents made up the vast majority of the respondents. 974 (78%) gave an SW15 postcode for their home address. A further 181 respondents (15%) were from other SW postcode areas.

Many of those who provided further comments expressed the view that the benches are a community asset, using them on occasions to relax/picnic without spending money in The Spencer. Those opposed to the benches considered that ‘commercialisation’ of the Commons was inappropriate.

Given the strength of the results, the Board agreed at its meeting on 9 October to enter into negotiations for a further five-year period with The Spencer and to make it explicit that the benches must be available for all users of the Commons.

October 26, 2017

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