
Churches in East Putney


St Stephen's Church
Manfred Rd, East Putney.
Church Office: 0208 877 3003
Website: www.ststephensputney.org

Sunday Services: 10:30 a.m. at St Stephen's, 6:30 p.m. at our sister church St Michael's Southfields, Wimbledon Park Road.
1st Sunday of the month is "Easy Sunday", a unique cafe style service for all the family with live music, free breakfast and the Sunday papers. Other weeks of the month we gather for worship led usually on guitar or keyboard with a band, prayers and a talk.

Youth and children's activites are all available - details on the website or through the office.

We have weekday groups for adults meeting in homes across the area and a wide range of other activities.
Little Fingers Nursery is based at the church Monday-Thursday, and a parent & toddler group on Fridays.


Holy Trinity Church,
West Hill SW15
Revd. Gordon Winchester.
Tel: 020 788 7400.

This church is linked with All Saints in Wandsworth High Street SW18


St Margaret's Church
Putney Park Lane
Rev. Bill Warren Rev. Peter Milligan
020 8788 5522



Southfields Church,

Wimbledon Park Road SW18, Tel: 020 8870 0309


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